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Spring Cleaning? Don’t Forget to Freshen Up Your Dental Hygiene Routine!

Best Dentist Naperville

There’s nothing better than the feeling of renewal after a thorough spring cleaning! This year, while you’re busy donating old clothes and cleaning out the cobwebs, why not take a moment to give your dental hygiene a refresh as well? Here are a few small things to add to your to-do list that actually make a big difference for your oral health!

1. Throw out that old toothbrush!

As you clear out all the junk that has accumulated in your drawers, you should probably throw that old toothbrush in the garbage bin while you’re at it. According to the American Dental Association, you should be swapping out your old toothbrush at least once every 3 months. If the bristles are frayed, you should toss it even sooner! Replace that old toothbrush with a soft-bristled alternative that gently cleans your teeth without hurting your gums. And don’t forget to look for that ADA Seal of Acceptance while you’re at it—this guarantees that your appliance is safe and healthy to use.

2. Give your toothbrush holder a good scrub.

When cleaning out your bathroom, be sure to give that toothbrush holder a thorough cleaning. After all, bacteria accumulate there just as easily as it does on the other bathroom surfaces. Try running it through the dishwasher or scrubbing it down with disinfectant and warm, soapy water. And if you’re getting a new toothbrush during this spring cleaning, make sure you wait to put it in the holder until it is cleaned out!

3. Clear out old products.

Like with any good spring cleaning, it is time to clear out your cabinets and drawers to remove the products that can’t be used anymore. This includes your mouthwash, toothpaste, and even whitening strips. Check out the expiration dates on all of your oral healthcare products to guarantee you’re not keeping anything that is past its date.

4. Give your oral health appliances a deep cleaning.

If you have a retainer, mouth guard, dentures, or other oral health appliances, you need to routinely give them regular deep cleanings! For many devices, you can simply pour denture cleaner in a bowl or glass of water and soak for the recommended amount of time! Make sure to do this relatively regularly so as to protect your oral health and keep your device sanitary.

5. Schedule a spring cleaning for your teeth!

Last, but certainly not least, this is a great time to give your teeth a thorough spring cleaning as well! It is important to visit your dentist at least once every six months for a cleaning and polish to remove tartar buildup and protect your teeth and gums. Your dentist will also examine your mouth to detect any early signs of health issues like gum disease, oral cancer, and even tooth decay. With routine visits to your dentist, you can protect your oral health and maintain a beautiful smile in the year ahead.

To book your spring appointment, call Caputo Dental in Naperville today!

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