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(630) 922-1311

Updated Office Protocol

Here at Caputo Dental, we take your health, and ours, very seriously. You will see a lot of changes at your next appointment.

  • We will ask that you call or text our office when you arrive in the parking lot, at 630-922-1311. Our team will contact you to come inside once your studio is ready.
  • The state of Illinois is requiring face coverings, so please wear one to your next appointment.
  • Our waiting room, especially the kids, will essentially be closed until further notice.
  • Upon entering the building, we will ask that you use hand sanitizer, and we WILL take your temperature. Any temp over 100°F will be rescheduled, per the CDC guidelines.
  • You will notice that you are asked a lot more questions, this is for your safety, and ours! When confirming the appointment, you’ll have a COVID screening of questions, which you will be asked again when you enter the building.
  • When we call to confirm, please let us know if you have any changes to your insurance.
  • We ask that you do not bring any family members with you, unless they have an appointment as well, until further notice.
  • To our loving parents, we know you’d like to be in the office while your child is having work done, but for now, you will be asked to wait in the car until the appointment is completed.
  • Leave all possible belongings in your car, coats/purses.
  • Every guest will be asked to rinse their mouth with peroxyl when you get to your room, this is to kill any viruses you may be carrying unknowingly.
  • We are also asking any guests who come down with any illnesses in the 14 days post appointment, to please contact our office as soon as possible with that update.

We appreciate your time and diligence on this matter.

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