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Foods for Whiter Teeth: Enjoy a Brighter Smile Naturally!

Have you noticed that your smile isn’t quite as bright as it once was? The natural process of aging, in conjunction with the foods we eat, causes teeth to yellow over time. There are some foods, however, that are actually quite beneficial to your pearly whites, naturally revealing a whiter smile that you’ll be proud … Continued

Why Do People Grind Their Teeth? Bruxism Explained by Dr. Caputo

Nighttime teeth grinding, known as bruxism, is a condition that involves the clenching of the jaws and grinding of the teeth as a patient sleeps. Left untreated, bruxism can lead to intense headaches, chronic migraines, damage to teeth, and TMJ disorder. At the Naperville, IL dental office of Dr. Paul V. Caputo, we offer a … Continued

Superior Dental Technology in Naperville, IL with DIAGNOdent Laser Cavity Scanning – Paul Caputo, DDS Paul Caputo, DDS

When it comes to achieving and maintaining optimal oral health, prevention is among the most critical aspects of general dentistry. When problems like cavities can be detected in their earliest stages, they can be addressed and managed accordingly, drastically improving the patient’s experience and dental health. At the office of Dr. Paul V. Caputo in … Continued

Exceptional Patient Care with Digital Radiography with Dr. Caputo in Naperville, IL

As the technology that drives the dental industry continues to advance, our Naperville, IL practice continues to evolve with it, delivering only the most cutting-edge services to our valued patients. At the office of Dr. Paul V. Caputo, we offer a variety of state-of-the-art technological amenities, ensuring patient comfort, safety, satisfaction, and overall well-being. Because … Continued

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